My New String Replacement Kit
Ernie Ball 12 Pack (x2) – I hate running out of strings, which is why I like to buy a lot in one go. Twenty-four packs of strings in total keeps me going for a while without the worry of… Continue Reading
Ernie Ball 12 Pack (x2) – I hate running out of strings, which is why I like to buy a lot in one go. Twenty-four packs of strings in total keeps me going for a while without the worry of… Continue Reading
Depending on what you want to do with your music, you will need to know varying degrees of theoretical knowledge in order to achieve your goals. Playing live happens to be a particular avenue where little to no knowledge is… Continue Reading
Performing music you’ve written yourself can be a very rewarding experience. The art is in the creation, and original music is your first step towards your very own original product. Unlike other professions, writing music doesn’t require any special level… Continue Reading
If you want to make money from your guitar playing, you will more than likely need to audition somewhere at some point in your career. These are my tips to nail the audition, and they’ve worked for me every time.… Continue Reading