Although you should be more concerned with what your amp sounds like, nobody can resist a great looking amp. Apart from the classics like Marshal that we all know and love, here are a few others that are less common.
Bradford Sterling
This is a custom amplifier developed by boutique amp maker Bradford Sterling. It includes 2 channels inspired from Vox and Marshal tones. Finding a new Sterling proves difficult as the manufacturers website is no longer available, however there are likely to be some used ones floating around.
Morgan RCA35
The RCA35 features classic American tone. It's a very versatile amp in terms of tube modification as no rebiasing is required. It features 1 clean channel that can be pushed into gain.
Tone King Galaxy
This Galaxy provides a retro 50's style look. Although it's no longer available and very difficult to come by, the aesthetics are rather interesting. It features 2 channels labeled lead and rhythm.
PRS Custom 50
One of the best looking amps I've seen. I first discovered these when I saw Neal Schon from Journey using them a few years back. This amp is generally sold in black, and it seems you would need to custom order the design in the picture. It features 2 channels and a solo boost.
Hughes and Kettner TubeMeister Deluxe
The Deluxe 20 is a great looking 'glow in the dark' type head that offers modern hi-gain tones. It's slightly smaller in comparison to regular amp heads, and weighs much less in comparison. It's a versatile 2-channel amp with many options.
Bogner Überschall
A simplistic yet sophisticated look. The Bogner Überschall is still one of the most common and best sounding amps on the market for high gain tones.
Ark Model D
How's this for an interesting looking amp? These boutique amp models are loved by professionals. The manufacturer, apparently, spent a great deal of time developing the circuitry on this.
Do you have any personal favorites? Let us know in the comments below.