In a recent post I spoke about how Dr. Maxwell Maltz refers to the human brain as a goal striving mechanism. You have to consciously define goals if you wish to succeed in the music industry. Without clearly defined goals, you will lack the ability and vision to take the correct action in order to succeed.
Here are 3 to get you started.
1. Record an album
Writing and recording original music is a lot of work, especially if you want to release a product that you’re proud of, and to monetize your efforts.
2. Get 100,000 online streams
10 years ago this goal would have been to sell 5000 album copies. Times have changed, and although earnings aren’t as great, you can spread the word faster. Streaming can also be monetized with advertising.
3. Play a specific event
You should aim to play at a large event, such as a festival that features a large audience. Aim big, not small. This should be an event that’s already planned. You should have a clear date defined.