5 Ways to Get a Free Guitar

1.) Ask a Friend

The easiest way to get a free guitar is to ask for one. Many people have old guitars lying around and have no real interest in playing them. Try to think of people who own guitars but are not using them as they have broken tuning keys and/or other parts that can simply be repaired. You can also try trading with someone. If you have something that they need then this could be a good option.

2.) A Gift

Is your birthday approaching? Try get a family member or friend to give you a guitar as a gift. Guitars can be pricey, so decide before hand whether you are willing to commit to practicing on a regular basis. If a family member feels that you will be committed, they are more likely to buy you a guitar.

3.) Borrow One

If you know someone that owns a guitar but isn’t interested in playing it, try asking if you can lend the guitar from time to time. This is a good option if the owner is not a keen guitar player and rarely plays their instrument. Ask if you can lend the guitar on specific days, like over weekends. This means you can have an opportunity to practice until you are able to get a guitar of your own.

4.) Contests

There are dozens of contests you can take advantage of to win a free guitar. Simply do a search in Google for a variety of online contests. Take a look at some of the leading online guitar websites. They have regular competitions that you can enter to win lots of free stuff (not only guitars!)…

5.) Endorsements

If you’re very talented, you can try approaching your favorite guitar manufacturer for an endorsement deal. If they don’t provide you with a free guitar, you’re likely to get a large discount. This can also be helpful throughout your career for your gear and string requirements. Tip: Endorsee’s want exposure for their products, so make sure you’re playing at some popular events before approaching one of these companies.

6.) Just Buy

The quickest way to get a guitar would be to simply buy one. A new guitar on Amazon will cost you $59.

Dean Hailstone

Hi! I'm passionate about recording and performance techniques. I'm always looking for ways to improve as a guitar player. More...


  1. My boyfriend sold his guitar when he was going through hard financial times . I would love for him to have a fender stratercaster. It would be a dream come true

    • Need a guitar I’m Holmes and need to make money and iv played my whole life I resontly became homeless in a matter of a few days my electric was gone it was a deal solid body and I had no werr to put it I kept it on me as long as I could

  2. I don’t want a fender or whatever ….i just need a guitar in a playable condition.
    Love playing guitar but can’t afford it.

  3. To whom it concern,

    I, of the above address is a guitarist from Africa, Nigeria to be precise. I have been playing guitar on and off for a couple of years now. I own a used guitar before now, which I acquired by chance but presently its faulty beyond repair. I tried obtaining own from a musical store, but I can’t afford one, the price for a guitar pedal also is way beyond what my source of livelihood can afford in the nearest future. Getting someone to lend you theirs for a couple of hours is impossible. It’s not easy to get access to one at my local church where I worship. The situation would have been less severe were it not for the high cost of living brought about by an all time high economic recession that we are experiencing as a nation. I am 35 years old and youths my age can find jobs to fend for themselves, talk more of supporting and raising a family. Because of my passion and resilience in playing guitar, I searched the internet, that’s where I got your website. I will be most grateful if by chance I can be placed on your waiting list for a guitar and pedal. Thank you in anticipation for a favourable response.

  4. I am a poor but I want a guitar can I get a free guitar .have a any ways

  5. Hey guys, I can’t afford one right now and I really want one. So if anybody has a old guitar that’s playable I would love to have it. (It can be any guitar, I would prefer a fender though…but anything is alright to me. Thanks!

  6. Mine got stlen it was a epiphone limed edition monster and dont have any money or any way to get another one like a dean or a les paul can you help me please

  7. I borrowed a guitar to learn to play I took it everywhere I went even to work at the barber shop well my borrow time ended as I sparked the owner to play again Learning the guitar was stress relieving and kept me out of trouble I even put down video games if anyone would like to donate one even if I have to fix it I would very much appreciate you.

  8. Anyone in the bay area want a free guitar it’s very cheap cost me 70 dollars and it’s a bit smaller than your average guitar if you have small hands it will work great

  9. I let my equipment go to put my Mom to rest and kept my ole flat top .my wife told me not to leave it next to our bed
    I had a siezure and crushed it. I missed electricity in my twanger with loud combo amp .now I just miss guitar .times r tough ..to my old hand me down guitar R.I.P. Pourch Swing Patty. . I got them G strang’ BLUES…..

  10. The best way to recieve a guitar is to ask for one may I, thank you. I had at one time nine guitars and eventually sold all to help my wife who had become disabled due to a rough child birth who we lost 3 months later after we already lost our 1yr9mth old to diabetes insipidis. I haven’t yet finacialy able to purchace a replacement and eats at me not being able to play. Thankyou

  11. Good day,I am from Ghana and l have started learning the Guitar but am finding it difficult in learning it.The main reason why l want to learn the guitar, is to be able to help teach the children in my community as a means of my social responsibility towards my community. Most of the children after closing from school don’t have any important thing to do, thereby following their friends in putting up certain misconduct which at the end of the day contribute negatively their lives. So l want to use the guitar as a means of engaging them after they close from school. If am able to use this period to teach them it will eventually benefits the children and the entire society. So please help me get a lead guitar. Looking forward to hear from you. Thank you very much

  12. Hello here please i am need of a guitar but i don’t have the means to afford one Can someone be of help Pleassssssss

  13. I would like an acoustic electric guitar.if anyone has one that are willing to give away please tell me

  14. Anyone with an acoustic guitar they are not using anymore and is willing to give away
    I can play but i dont have one

  15. I have always played. My church wants me to lead worship, but, I must have my own guitar. Can you please help me too???

  16. I am in desperate need of a guitar! I have recently made some huge improvements in my life and have never been so excited about my future. I never had the courage or confidence to try to learn an instrument until last Christmas my bf bought me an acoustic guitar. It was the first gift in 12 years that had some sentiment to it and of course it got stolen…right after I started to really commit to it and enjoy it. I am hitting my 3 month mark of sobriety and the want to play guitar has never been so great! I miss it so much! It’s like there’s a hole in my soul because I never have the opportunity to play….ever. it feels like I could make leaps and bounds not just with learning to play period but just in life in general…if I just had a guitar. Ive asked every person ive crossed paths with if they knew someone that would borrow me one and have yet to get my hands on one.

  17. How sick some people are someone stole my limited edition les paul epiphone with everything going on in the world and having 3 kids I can’t afford a new guitar everyday I wish I come across someone just giving away a working electric guitar at this point the brand doesn’t matter I just want to play again

  18. I. Alway want to learn electric guitar if anyone has one a Gibson. I could learn on I would appreciate for free if need to be I would get it fixed.

  19. I want a guitar
    This is a dream of my life because I love songs but i have not guitar .

  20. Please i want to larn singing with guitar
    But i have not any guitar
    Please give me a free guitar

  21. My family is not reach please i want to sing with guitar this is my dream
    Please give me a free guitar

  22. Hi . If you have any kind of guitar and you don’t use it or you wanna give it to someone else , please give it to me ! You’ll never understand how important it is for me . Thank you !

  23. I just want a guitar so bad because I grew up poor and I always wanted to play but just don’t have the money to get one.

  24. Music is something that relives our souls…
    I have always borrowed musical instruments and played for expressing my feelings. But I didn’t get a chance to play or learn Guitar. So I’ll try my best to follow the tips.
    Thank you

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